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Grace Eunjin Kim, 100% of contribution to projects


The percentage of marriage in recent days has been decreased with a set of practical concerns: people are afraid of financial burdens with getting a place to live and other required supplies. Also, many of youth are having student loans before they get a fine and stable jobs. Their financial struggles may not allow them to draw a bright future. These practical factors has affected the decline of the marriage and birth of the society. Lack of knowing to manage finance has made youth depressed by its unclear future. To support those in need, I want to set up easy-to-use Fin-tech Application for fresh-year students to youth before age of 35, offering peer-to-peer money transfer with low fee, recommend fair investments based on their income, cryptocurrency, and, retail banking and lending apps, and financial education, to help them to build a better, and prepared future.

Researches in Korea

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Analysis Based on Jacob Nielson's Research

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Based on Jacob Nielson's Heuristic evaluation criteria, I analyzed three major FinTech apps in South Korea (Toss, KakaoBank, and Bank Salad) and found out existing problems and came up with new ideas for designs that should be applied. In the case of Toss, users felt inconvenient with the limit on remittance value. Also, for KaKaobank, they felt uncomfortable it does not automatically linking with Kakao Pay and Naver Pay. These two apps scored low level on <Efficiency of Use>. For ‘Bank Salad’, its massive amount of finance information does not clearly come in at a glance; it scored low level at <Readability> part.


As a result, it is necessary to align informations with high readability, and minimize depth of app pages to raise up usability and reduce fatigue for my app <Grown>

Affinity Diagram

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“Every each interviewers want to save fund to achieve their personal goals, but then they realized they are lack of knowing finance information. Most of them are not recording their spend and income. Instead, they check automatically-uploaded information on Fintech app about their spending.

Most of Instagram users are 20’s to 30’s, the <Untact generation>, meaning they are generation who prefer SNS service than offline meeting. It would be convenient they can upload their financial plan in SNS community in Fintech application


The Korean economy, which has successfully entered the era of industrialization, is now at low-growth period; the visible performance that is noticeable has disappeared. Many young people who have just graduated from campus often start their first entry to the industry as debtor because of their student loans. Nowadays, It is difficult to find a good quality and stable jobs due to its limited employment. As a result, average age of marriage is now dramatically getting higher. The 20s and 30s, so-called ‘Untact' generation’ are most likely to refuse to engage in deep interaction with others, and weighs value more on individual’s life compared to the previous generation. They mainly uses Social Network Service to find information needed for their living. However, online informations are too broad and unprofessional when it comes to financial matters, such as residential fee, method of repaying of student loans, adjust monthly living expenses, and planning cost of marriage.


Considering these background, It is necessary to indicate <Challenge Page to Achieve Goals> at the first main page of the application. This content surely cheer up young people tired of being at  constant low-growth period, by providing a sense of accomplishment with achieving the goal set by its user. Also, providing a <Social Community Page> will be another idea for this SNS generations, where users share their monthly consumption, expenditure tables, and goals per time, place, occasion with the people of the same age.


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