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AI Lover:



Product Designer


Graphic Designer

3 Backend Developer

2 Frontend Developer

1 Product Designer

5 months


Our Start-up CEO was extremely interested in the fact that many of people from all around the world experience the pain from the loneliness. One of our CEO made a mock-up app to solve this problem, and that's how the project was started. I was hired as a lead designer for this product. I worked with 6 engineers. My role is to design UI designs and deliver it to those fronted developers. I was a designer for a product that lonely people can ease their loneliness through this app.


Brand Identity was set up; Logo, main Illustrations and icons, and typo/colours were designed


The goal of the design was, to create warmth and futuristic feel to overall concept. The bright and vivid oranged-colour variations were used to set up such feel. Also, crisp shape of each design elements and polygon texture are applied to present futuristic mood.  Bubble box was firstly rendered with 3D programs to achieve accurate perspective.

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Illustrations and Icons

Illustrations and Icons also need to have warm mood, and also futuristic. 

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Typography and Colours

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SD Sandol Gothic is a main typography of iphones, and roboto is the main font for android. I picked these font to not make users feel comfortable with the font. The colours are mainly orange; again, CEO asked me to use orange colour for the product. Illustrations and icons are coloured with opposite colours: Salmon and turquoise. These colours made the mood for overall images of the app. 


There are 3 step pages in the beginning of the app. Users will be given choices to select sex of the virtual mate. After selecting one, they will automatically led to the face selection page, which will be look like a survival page. Then they will get to pick 1 out of 10 pictures created by Artificial Intelligence technology. Voice Selection Page will be loaded to show users to select AI-created voice. Clear and simple informative screen designs were needed to deliver its contents effectively to users.

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The first page is the main page of the app; the chat page. Users will get to chat with their mate either with their voice or keyboards. Floating buttons will allow users to enjoy the entertainment of the app. Users can report inappropriate words. Also, from the top heart, users can check the lovepoint of the mate.

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Users can set up alarm with their mate’s voice; Users get to set up what they get to hear when they say something specific.

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